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Server Details

Server Info

 Base Level      255 
 Job Level      120 
 Max Stats      255 
 Mode      Pre-Renewal 
 Max ASPD      197 
 Episode      13.2 - Into The Unknown 
 Guild Cap      18 
 PK-Mode      ON 
 War Schedule      9-10PM Daily (except Wednesdays) 

Server Rates

 Base EXP      15,000 
 Job EXP      15,000 
 Normal Drops      100% 
 Equipment Drops      50% 
 Normal Cards      20% 
 Boss Cards      10% 
 Rare MVP      1% (Card Fragment System) 

Server Features

 Astral Skills      Mix & Match your skillset! 
 Gepard Shield      Blocks 3rd Party Tools and Hacks 
 Unique Anti-Bot System      RIP AFK farmers! 
 No Client Limit      Play as much as you can! 
 Continuous Updates      Never grow tired of our server! 
 VIP System      Take adventage of our exclusive perks! 
 Top Player Rewards      Compete and get compensated! 
 Hourly & Daily Rewards      The more you play, the more rewards! 


  • @warp
  • @go
  • @sched
  • @pk
  • @lgp
  • @security
  • @feelreset
  • @hatereset
  • @request
  • @rates
  • Type @commands in-game to find the whole list!